
英语听力2024-03-23 20:31:08小编




Koro is a term from Malay language, also known as "Genital Retraction Syndrome" or "Genital Panic". It refers to a psychological disorder characterized by an extreme fear of one's own genitals shrinking or disappearing. This symptom is mainly found in Southeast Asia and the Pacific region, especially in countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines.


koro [ˈkɔːrəʊ]



Koro is commonly used as a noun to describe a psychological disorder. It can also be used as a verb to indicate someone experiencing or suffering from this disorder.


1. He was diagnosed with koro after experiencing extreme fear that his genitals were shrinking. 他被诊断出患有koro,因为他经历了对自己生殖器官缩小的极端恐惧。

2. The village was in a state of panic when a rumor about koro spread among the villagers. 当关于koro的谣言在村民中传播开来时,村子里陷入了恐慌。

3. In some cultures, koro is believed to be caused by supernatural forces or black magic. 在某些文化中,人们认为koro是由超自然力量或黑魔法引起的。

4. The symptoms of koro may vary from person to person, but they all involve a fear of genital retraction or disappearance. Koro的症状因人而异,但都涉及对生殖器官缩小或消失的恐惧。

5. Some experts believe that koro is closely related to cultural beliefs and social factors, rather than being purely a psychological disorder. 一些专家认为,koro与文化信仰和社会因素息息相关,而不仅仅是一种心理疾病。


1. Genital Retraction Syndrome:与koro意思相同,也指对生殖器官缩小或消失的极端恐惧。

2. Genital Panic:与koro意思相同,也指对生殖器官缩小或消失的极端恐惧。

3. Shook Yang:来自马来语的同义词,也指对生殖器官缩小或消失的极端恐惧。


Koro是一个来自马来语的词汇,也被称为“摩洛病”或“摩洛恐慌”。它指的是一种心理疾病,主要表现为对自身生殖器官缩小或消失的极端恐惧。这种症状主要出现在东南亚和太平洋地区,尤其是在马来西亚、印度尼西亚和菲律宾等。Koro通常作为一个名词使用,用于描述一种心理疾病。它也可以作为动词使用,表示某人正在经历或遭受这种心理疾病。Koro的同义词包括Genital Retraction Syndrome、Genital Panic和Shook Yang。最后,需要注意的是,koro是一种严重的心理疾病,需要得到专业医生的治疗和帮助。


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