
英语听力2024-03-23 20:50:44小编




Kraft paper is a strong paper made from wood fibers, commonly used for packaging and crafting. It has high strength, tear resistance, and water resistance, making it widely used in various packaging fields.


[kræft peɪpər]


Kraft paper通常被用作包装材料,可以制作纸袋、纸盒、纸板等。它也可以被涂上防水膜或覆膜来增加其耐水性能,从而更适合包装湿润的物品。此外,由于其高强度和耐撕裂性,kraft paper也经常被用来制作手工艺品、贺卡和书籍封面。

Kraft paper is commonly used as packaging material and can be made into paper bags, boxes, and boards. It can also be coated with waterproof film or laminated to increase its water resistance, making it more suitable for packaging wet items. In addition, due to its high strength and tear resistance, kraft paper is also frequently used to make crafts, greeting cards, and book covers.


1. The company uses kraft paper to package their products, ensuring their safety during transportation.

公司使用kraft paper来包装产品,确保运输过程中的安全。

2. The kraft paper bag is environmentally friendly and can be recycled after use.

这个kraft paper袋子环保且可循环利用。

3. I used kraft paper to make a handmade notebook for my friend's birthday.

我用kraft paper制作了一本手工笔记本,送给朋友过生日。

4. The book cover is made of kraft paper, giving it a rustic and natural feel.

书的封面是用kraft paper制作的,给人一种乡村自然的感觉。

5. The kraft paper used in this packaging is of high quality and can withstand heavy weight without tearing.

这种包装所使用的kraft paper质量很好,能够承受重物而不会撕裂。



Brown_paper or natural_paper can also refer to kraft_paper. They all refer to the same material, just with different names. In addition to packaging and crafting, they can also be used in fields such as painting, writing, and printing.




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