
英语听力2024-03-23 23:13:07小编


Lancer is a word that has multiple meanings in both English and French. In English, it can refer to a type of cavalry soldier armed with a lance, or it can also be used as a verb meaning to thrust or pierce with a lance. In French, lancer means to throw or launch something.


Lancer is pronounced as "lans-er" in English. In French, it is pronounced as "lahn-seh".


As a noun, lancer can refer to a soldier who rides on horseback and carries a lance as their primary weapon. It can also be used in the context of sports, such as jousting or equestrian events where lances are used.

As a verb, lancer means to thrust or pierce with a lance. It can also be used figuratively to mean starting something forcefully or energetically.


1. The knight rode into battle with his trusty lancer by his side. (骑士带着他忠实的手冲向战场。)

2. The jousters aimed their lances at each other with precision and skill. (骑士们用精准和技巧将尖对准彼此。)

3. The coach lanced the team's performance issues during practice. (教练在训练中解决了球队的表现问题。)

4. She felt like someone had lanced her heart when she saw her ex-boyfriend with another woman. (当她看到前男友和另一个女人在一起时,她感觉自己的心被刺痛了。)

5. The company plans to lancer a new product line next month. (公司计划在下个月推出一条新的产品线。)


Some synonyms for lancer include spearman, cavalryman, and hurler. These words can be used interchangeably in the context of a soldier armed with a lance. In terms of the verb form, synonyms for lancer include thrust, pierce, and launch.


In conclusion, lancer is a versatile word that can refer to both a type of soldier and an action involving a lance. Its usage varies depending on the context, but it is commonly seen in the military and sports settings. As an editor or translator, it is important to understand the various meanings and nuances of words like lancer in order to accurately convey their intended message in both English and French.


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