
英语听力2024-03-24 01:47:24小编




The concept of "Tianrenheyi" is a philosophical viewpoint that emphasizes the inseparable relationship between human beings and the universe. It emphasizes the harmony and unity between human beings, nature, society and the universe, and advocates for humans to respect nature, care for the environment, and live in harmony with nature. This worldview is also known as "correspondence between heaven and man", "communication between heaven and man", "merging of heaven and man", etc.


ldquo_天人合一_rdquo_世界观的读音为 [tiān rén hé yī]。



In usage, "Tianrenheyi" is often used to describe a person's attitude towards nature and society, as well as their relationship with the surrounding environment. It can also refer to the overall understanding and values of a culture or nation towards nature and society.


1. “天人合一”是传统文化的核心理念,它强调人类与自然、社会和宇宙的和谐统一。

"Tianrenheyi" is the core concept of traditional Chinese culture, which emphasizes the harmony and unity between human beings, nature, society and the universe.

2. 古代哲学家们认为,人类应该尊重自然,与自然和谐共生,实现“天人合一”的境界。

Ancient Chinese philosophers believed that humans should respect nature, live in harmony with it, and achieve the state of "Tianrenheyi".

3. “天人合一”观念也被运用到中医理论中,强调人体与自然环境之间的相互影响和平衡。

The concept of "Tianrenheyi" is also applied in traditional Chinese medicine theory, emphasizing the mutual influence and balance between human body and natural environment.

4. 在当今社会,越来越多的人开始关注环境保护,并倡导“天人合一”的生活方式。

In today's society, more and more people are paying attention to environmental protection and advocating for a lifestyle of "Tianrenheyi".

5. 西方文化也有类似于“天人合一”的概念,如“生态学”、“生态伦理学”等。

Western culture also has similar concepts to "Tianrenheyi", such as "ecology" and "ecological ethics".


1. 天人相应:强调天地万物之间的相互关联和影响,以及人类与自然的和谐共生。

2. 天人相通:指人类与自然、社会和宇宙之间存在着密切,可以相互沟通交流。

3. 天人合流:指人类与自然、社会和宇宙融为一体,达到和谐统一的境界。

4. 天人合一观:强调人类应该尊重自然、爱护环境,并与自然和谐共生的世界观。

5. 天人合一生活方式:指以尊重自然、爱护环境为核心价值观,实现与自然和谐共生的生活方式。

1. Correspondence between heaven and man: Emphasizes the interconnection and influence between all things in the universe, as well as the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

2. Communication between heaven and man: Refers to the close connection between human beings, nature, society and the universe, allowing for mutual communication and exchange.

3. Merging of heaven and man: Refers to the integration of human beings, nature, society and the universe into one, achieving a state of harmony and unity.

4. Tianrenheyi worldview: Emphasizes the belief that humans should respect nature, care for the environment, and live in harmony with nature.

5. Tianrenheyi lifestyle: Refers to a way of life that values respecting nature and caring for the environment, and achieving harmonious coexistence with nature.




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