
英语听力2024-03-24 01:56:34小编



How to pronounce: [kūn míng]

Usage: 昆明可用作名词,表示一座城市;也可用作形容词,表示与昆明相关的。

Example sentences:

1. 昆明是一座美丽的城市,有着清新的空气和宜人的气候。

Kunming is a beautiful city with fresh air and pleasant climate.

2. 我们计划在昆明度过一个难忘的假期,探索这个神奇的地方。

We plan to spend a memorable holiday in Kunming, exploring this magical place.

3. 昆明是著名的旅游胜地,吸引了众多国内外游客前来观光。

Kunming is a famous tourist destination, attracting many domestic and foreign tourists to visit.

4. 在昆明生活了几年后,我已经爱上了这个城市,决定长期居住在这里。

After living in Kunming for a few years, I have fallen in love with this city and decided to settle here permanently.

5. 今年春节我们一家人决定去昆明旅行,体验不一样的春节氛围。

This year, our family decided to travel to Kunming for the Spring Festival, experiencing a different festive atmosphere.

Synonyms and usage:


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