
英语听力2024-03-24 02:00:08小编




Prenatal education refers to a series of scientific methods that educate and cultivate the fetus from the beginning of pregnancy, in order to promote healthy growth and intellectual development. It is an early education method aimed at providing a good living environment, nutrition, and stimulation for the fetus, laying a good foundation for its physical fitness and intelligence after birth.


/teɪ ˈdʒəʊ/



Prenatal education usually refers to the education and cultivation of the fetus during pregnancy, which can influence the fetus through methods such as listening to music, reading, and talking. It also includes aspects such as prenatal care and nutrition intake. Prenatal education can help pregnant women establish good living habits, improve their own quality, and provide a good environment for the development of the fetus.


1. 妈妈每天都会给宝宝听音乐,这是一种胎教的方式。

Mom listens to music for the baby every day, this is a way of prenatal education.

2. 孕期保健十分重要,它可以帮助胎儿健康成长。

Prenatal care is very important, it can help the fetus grow healthy.

3. 雅思的智力发育比同龄孩子要更好,这得益于母亲在孕期进行的胎教。

Iris's intellectual development is better than children of the same age, thanks to prenatal education by her mother during pregnancy.

4. 孕妇应该注意营养摄入,这也是一种胎教。

Pregnant women should pay attention to nutrition intake, which is also a form of prenatal education.

5. 胎教可以帮助胎儿建立良好的大脑连接,促进其智力发展。

Prenatal education can help establish good brain connections for the fetus and promote its intellectual development.



Synonyms for prenatal education include fetal education and pregnancy education. They all refer to the education and cultivation of the fetus from the beginning of pregnancy, promoting its healthy growth and intellectual development.




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