
英语听力2024-03-24 02:15:32小编






1. 作形容词时,leading可以表示某个人或物在某方面处于最前沿、最重要或最具影响力的位置。:

- She is one of the leading experts in the field of neuroscience.(她是神经科学领域的顶尖专家之一。)

- The company is a leading player in the global market.(这家公司是全球市场的主要参与者。)

2. 作动词时,leading可以表示引导、带领或指导某人做某事。:

- The teacher is leading the students on a field trip to the museum.(老师正在带领学生们去博物馆参观。)

- The CEO is leading the company through a major restructuring process.(CEO正在引导公司进行一次重大重组过程。)

3. 作名词时,leading可以表示领导地位、主要位置或最重要的角色。:

- He has been chosen to take on the leading role in the new play.(他被选中担任新剧中的主演角色。)

- The company's leading position in the market is being challenged by new compes.(新竞争对手正在挑战该公司在市场上的领导地位。)


1. The leading cause of death in this country is heart disease.(这个最主要的死因是心脏病。)

2. The company's leading position in the industry is a result of its innovative products and excellent customer service.(该公司在行业中的领先地位是其创新产品和优质客户服务的结果。)

3. She has been leading the team to great success with her strong leadership skills and strategic thinking.(凭借强大的领导能力和战略思维,她一直带领团队取得巨大成功。)

4. As the leading expert in the field, he was invited to give a keynote speech at the conference.(作为该领域的顶尖专家,他受邀在上发表主旨演讲。)

5. The company's CEO believes that innovation is key to maintaining their leading position in the market.(公司的CEO认为创新是保持其在市场上领先地位的关键。)


1. foremost:作形容词时,意为“最重要的”,“最前沿的”。:He is one of the foremost experts in the field of artificial intelligence.

2. dominant:作形容词时,意为“占优势的”,“主导的”。:The company has a dominant position in the market.

3. guiding:作形容词时,意为“指导的”,“引导的”。:She is the guiding force behind the company's success.

4. premier:作形容词时,意为“首要的”,“最重要的”。:The country's premier university is known for its excellent academic programs.

5. prime:作形容词时,意为“主要的”,“首要的”。:The prime reason for his success is his hard work and determination.




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