
英语听力2024-03-24 02:19:07小编




Lead_free_brass is a type of brass that is free from lead, made from an alloy of copper and zinc without any added lead. It is commonly used in the production of household and industrial items such as faucets, pipes, and valves. This material is more environmentally friendly compared to traditional leaded brass, as it does not release toxic lead substances.


lead_free_brass [liːd friː bræs]



Lead_free_brass is commonly used in the production of various pipes and valves due to its excellent corrosion resistance and resistance to chemical erosion in water. It can also be used for household decorations and kitchenware such as faucets, lighting fixtures, and handles. Additionally, because it is free from toxic substances, it is also widely used in food processing and medical equipment.


1. The new lead-free brass pipes have been installed in our house to ensure safe drinking water. (我们家里已经安装了新的无铅黄铜管道,以确保饮用水安全。)

2. This faucet is made of lead-free brass, which is more environmentally friendly than traditional brass. (这款水龙头是由无铅黄铜制成的,比传统黄铜更环保。)

3. The lead-free brass valves are highly resistant to corrosion, making them suitable for use in harsh industrial environments. (无铅黄铜阀门具有很强的耐腐蚀性,适用于恶劣的工业环境。)

4. The company has switched to using lead-free brass for all its products to meet the increasing demand for environmentally friendly materials. (为了满足对环保材料日益增长的需求,该公司已经将所有产品改用无铅黄铜。)

5. Lead-free brass has become the preferred material for kitchenware due to its non-toxic nature and durability. (由于其无毒和耐用性,无铅黄铜已成为厨房用具的首选材料。)


无铅黄铜的同义词包括environmentally friendly brass、eco-friendly brass、green brass等。它们都指的是不含有毒物质的黄铜材料,具有环保性质。




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