
英语听力2024-03-24 04:23:09小编




letterpress [ˈlɛtərprɛs]




1. The invitation was printed using letterpress, giving it a classic and elegant look. 邀请函采用了letterpress印刷,给人一种经典优雅的感觉。

2. The book was printed using the traditional letterpress method, which gives a unique texture to the pages. 这本书采用传统的letterpress方法印刷,使页面具有独特的质感。

3. Letterpress is a labor-intensive process, as each individual letter needs to be placed by hand. Letterpress是一项劳动密集型工作,因为每个字母都需要手工放置。

4. The printing press revolutionized the world of publishing by replacing the laborious process of letterpress with a faster and more efficient method. 印刷机通过用更快更高效的方法取代费力的letterpress过程,彻底改变了出版界。

5. The company offers letterpress printing services for wedding invitations, business cards, and other stationery items. 这家公司提供letterpress印刷服务,可用于婚礼邀请函、名片和其他文具。


1. Typography - a general term for the art and technique of arranging type in order to make written language legible, readable, and appealing.

2. Relief printing - a printing technique where the inked image is raised from the surface of the printing plate.

3. Gravure - a printing process that involves engraving an image onto a cylinder, which is then used to transfer ink onto paper.

4. Lithography - a printing process in which the image is transferred to paper from a flat surface (such as a metal or stone plate) treated so as to repel the ink except where it is required for printing.

5. Flexography - a form of relief printing using rubber or plastic plates with raised images.




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