
英语听力2024-03-24 09:40:11小编


- 意思:

- logistics是指对物流和供应链的管理和实施。它涉及到货物的运输、仓储、包装、配送等方面,以确保产品能够按时到达目的地。

- Logistics refers to the management and implementation of logistics and supply chain. It involves the transportation, warehousing, packaging, and distribution of goods to ensure that products can arrive at their destination on time.

- 怎么读:ləˈdʒɪstɪks

- 用法:

- logistics作为一个名词,可以用来描述一个公司或组织管理和实施物流和供应链的能力。

- 它也可以用来指代某个特定的物流或过程,如物流、电子商务物流等。

- 在商业领域,logistics也可以指代市场营销策略中与产品运输和分销相关的决策。

- 例句:

1. Our company has a strong logistics team that ensures timely delivery of our products.


2. The success of this project depends heavily on efficient logistics management.


3. The military relies heavily on logistics to supply its troops with necessary resources.


4. E-commerce companies are constantly looking for ways to improve their logistics processes.


5. The company's logistics strategy focuses on reducing transportation costs and improving delivery time.


- 同义词及用法:

- supply chain:指从原材料到最终产品的整个生产和供应过程。

- transportation:指运输货物的行为或过程。

- distribution:指将货物分发给最终用户或零售商的行为或过程。

- shipping:指运输货物到目的地的行为或过程。

- 编辑总结:



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