
英语听力2024-03-24 17:41:20小编







1. Maker作为名词使用时,可表示制造者、生产者、创作者等含义。

- He is a skilled maker of handmade furniture. (他是一位手工家具的熟练制造者。)

- The company is the maker of the world's best-selling smartphone. (这家公司是全球最畅销智能手机的制造商。)

2. Maker也可作为合成词使用,在不同的名词前加上maker构成新词,表示制造某种特定物品或从事某项特定活动的人。

- Bread maker (面包机)

- Decision maker (决策者)

- Policy maker (制定者)

3. Maker还可以作为动词使用,表示“使……成为可能”、“促成”、“产生”等含义。

- The new technology has made it possible to produce cheaper and more efficient solar panels. (新技术使得生产更便宜、更高效的太阳能板成为可能。)

- The recent changes in the market have made it difficult for small businesses to survive. (市场最近的变化使得小企业难以生存。)


1. He is a maker of fine leather goods, known for his attention to detail and quality. (他是一位制作精美皮具的制造者,以其对细节和质量的关注而闻名。)

2. As a decision maker, it is important to carefully consider all the options before making a final choice. (作为一个决策者,在做出最终选择之前仔细考虑所有选择是很重要的。)

3. The company is the maker of the world's most popular video game, with millions of players worldwide. (这家公司是全球最受欢迎的视频游戏的制造商,拥有数百万玩家。)

4. The policy makers are discussing new strategies to stimulate economic growth in the country. (制定者们正在讨论新战略,以刺激该国经济增长。)

5. Her mother was a skilled quilt maker, passing down the tradition to her daughter who now runs her own quilting business. (她的母亲是一位熟练的被子制作人,将这一传统传承给了她的女儿,现在她自己经营着自己的被子生意。)


1. Creator:指创造或发明某种事物的人,与maker含义相近,但更强调创造性和独创性。

- She is the creator of a popular fashion brand. (她是一家受欢迎时尚品牌的创始人。)

- The creator of this innovative technology was awarded the Nobel Prize. (这项创新技术的发明者获得了诺贝尔奖。)

2. Producer:指生产或制造某种产品的人或公司,与maker含义相似。

- The producer of this documentary spent years researching and filming in remote areas. (这部纪录片的制作人花了数年时间在偏远地区进行研究和拍摄。)

- The company is one of the leading producers of organic food in the country. (该公司是该国有机食品领域的领生产商。)

3. Manufacturer:指从原材料中制造出成品的工厂或企业,与maker含义相近。

- The manufacturer of this car is known for its high-quality and reliable vehicles. (这辆汽车的制造商以高质量和可靠性闻名。)

- The company is one of the largest manufacturers of electronic devices in the world. (该公司是世界上最大的电子设备制造商之一。)




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