
英语听力2024-03-24 21:30:09小编


- match_point是什么意思(中英文)解释的意思:match_point是一个英语词汇,意思是比赛中的得分点或决胜点。

- 怎么读(音标):[mætʃ pɔɪnt]

- 用法:match_point通常用作名词,表示比赛中的得分点或决胜点。它可以用来描述任何类型的竞技比赛,如网球、足球、篮球等。它也可以用来形容某个重要的转折点或关键时刻。

- 例句1:The match_point was won by the home team, securing their victory in the tournament.(主场队赢得了比赛中的决胜点,确保了他们在锦标赛中的胜利。)

- 例句2:The tennis player served an ace on match_point, winning the game and advancing to the next round.(网球运动员在比赛中发出一记ace,在决胜点上获得了胜利,并晋级下一轮。)

- 例句3:In business negotiations, it is important to recognize the match_point and make strategic decisions accordingly.(在商业谈判中,认识到关键时刻并做出相应的战略决策非常重要。)

- 例句4:The team's star player was injured during the match, causing them to lose the match_point and ultimately the game.(这支球队的明星球员在比赛中受伤,导致他们失去了决胜点,最终输掉了比赛。)

- 例句5:The match_point for the championship will take place next week, and both teams are preparing for a tough battle.(冠的决胜点将在下周进行,两支球队都在为一场艰苦的战斗做准备。)

- 同义词及用法:match_point的同义词包括game point、set point、match ball等,它们都指比赛中的关键得分点。此外,也可以用deciding point来表示决胜点。

- 编辑总结:match_point是一个常用于竞技比赛中的词汇,它强调了比赛中关键时刻的重要性。无论是体育比赛还是商业谈判,认识到和抓住这些关键时刻都能帮助我们取得成功。


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