
英语听力2024-03-25 00:38:05小编




Memory stick is a type of portable storage device, also known as a flash drive or USB flash drive. It can be used to store and transfer data. It usually consists of a small plastic casing and a USB interface for connecting to a computer. Its main function is to save data from the computer onto its internal chip for easy access.


[mem-uh-ree stik]


Memory stick通常被用来备份重要文件、传输数据、存储多媒体文件等。它可以插入任何带有USB接口的设备,如电脑、笔记本电脑、智能手机等。用户可以将需要保存或传输的文件复制到memory stick上,然后将其插入另一台设备进行使用。

Memory sticks are commonly used to back up important files, transfer data, store mulia files, etc. It can be inserted into any device with a USB port, such as computers, laps, smartphones, etc. Users can copy the files they want to save or transfer onto the memory stick and then plug it into another device for use.


1. I always carry a memory stick with me, so I can easily transfer files between my lap and desk computer.

我总是随身携带一个memory stick,这样我就可以轻松地在我的笔记本电脑和台式电脑之间传输文件。

2. Don't forget to back up your important documents on a memory stick in case your computer crashes.

如果你的电脑崩溃了,别忘了将重要文件备份到memory stick上。

3. The memory stick is compatible with both Mac and Windows operating systems.

这个memory stick可以兼容Mac和Windows操作。

4. Can you please transfer the photos from the camera to the memory stick?

你能把相机里的照片传输到memory stick上吗?

5. I lost my presentation on the way to the conference, but luckily I had it saved on my memory stick.

我在去的路上丢失了我的演示文稿,但幸运的是我把它保存在了我的memory stick上。


Memory stick的同义词包括flash drive、USB flash drive、thumb drive等。它们都是指同一种便携式存储设备,只是名称不同。它们的用法也基本相同,都可以用来存储和传输数据。


Memory stick是一种非常方便的存储设备,它小巧便携,可以随时随地存储和传输数据。它的用途广泛,可以用来备份重要文件、传输数据、存储多媒体文件等。它的兼容性也很强,可以与各种设备连接使用。因此,在日常生活和工作中,使用memory stick可以帮助我们更加高效地管理和利用数据。


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