
英语听力2024-03-25 06:56:29小编







1. 作为名词使用时,MODEL通常指代某种物体或概念的模型、样式或典范。:

- This car is a model of efficiency.(这辆车是效率的典范。)

- She is the model of a perfect wife.(她是完美妻子的典范。)

2. 作为动词使用时,MODEL通常指通过塑造、模仿或展示来表现某种特质或形象。:

- The designer modeled the dress after a traditional Chinese style.(设计师以传统风格来设计这件衣服。)

- The actor modeled his character after a real-life politician.(这位演员以一位真实家为榜样来塑造自己的角色。)

3. 在时尚界,MODEL也指代职业模特儿,即专门为时装表演或拍摄广告而工作的人。:

- She started her career as a model at the age of 16.(她16岁时开始从事模特儿职业。)

4. 在计算机科学领域,MODEL还可以指代某种软件或的模型,用来描述其运行原理或行为。:

- The software engineer created a model to predict user behavior.(软件工程师创建了一个模型来预测用户行为。)


1. The architect used a 3D model to present his design to the client.(建筑师使用3D模型向客户展示他的设计。)

2. The fashion designer modeled her latest collection at the fashion show.(时装设计师在时装秀上展示她的最新系列。)

3. This book is considered a model for teaching English grammar to young learners.(这本书被认为是教授英语语法给年轻学习者的典范。)

4. The company is looking for models with unique features for their upcoming advertisement campaign.(公司正在寻找具有独特特征的模特儿来参加即将到来的广告活动。)

5. The scientists developed a mathematical model to simulate the spread of the virus in different scenarios.(科学家们开发了一个数学模型来模拟不同场景下病毒的传播情况。)


1. Prototype:指某种产品或概念的原型,常用于工程或科技领域。

例句:The company is currently working on a prototype of their new smartphone.(公司目前正在研发他们新款智能手机的原型。)

2. Example:指某种事物或概念的典范,常用于说明或比较。

例句:This case is a perfect example of how hard work can lead to success.(这个案例是努力工作如何带来成功的完美典范。)

3. Pattern:指某种物体或行为的样式、模式,常用于描述规律性。

例句:The artist used different patterns to create a unique design for the wallpaper.(艺术家使用不同的图案为墙纸设计出独特的样式。)

4. Exemplar:指某种事物或概念的典范,强调作为标准或榜样存在。

例句:She is often referred to as an exemplar of kindness and generosity in our community.(在我们社区中,她经常被称为善良和慷慨的典范。)

5. Mock-up:指某种产品或构想的模型,常用于设计过程中。

例句:The designer created a mock-up of the new website before starting the actual development process.(设计师在开始实际开发之前先创建了新网站的模型。)




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