
英语听力2024-03-25 08:48:10小编



怎么读:[muːn ˈfɛstəvəl]

用法:作为一个名词,moon_festival通常用来指代这个传统节日。它也可以作为一个形容词来修饰与这个节日相关的活动或物品,如“moon festival lantern”(月亮节灯笼)。

例句1:The moon festival is a time for families to gather together and enjoy delicious mooncakes.(月亮节是家人聚集在一起享用美味月饼的时刻。)

例句2:In China, the moon festival is celebrated with colorful lanterns, dragon dances, and other traditional activities.(在,人们会用五彩缤纷的灯笼、舞龙和其他传统活动来庆祝月亮节。)

例句3:My family always has a big feast during the moon festival, with lots of traditional dishes and desserts.(我们家每年在月亮节都会举办一场盛大的宴会,有许多传统菜肴和甜点。)

例句4:Children often make paper lanterns in school to celebrate the moon festival.(孩子们经常在学校制作纸灯笼来庆祝月亮节。)

例句5:The moon festival is also a time for people to express gratitude and make wishes for the future.(月亮节也是人们表达感恩和许愿的时刻。)

同义词及用法:除了moon festival,这个节日还有其他几个常用的名称,如“中秋节”(Mid-Autumn Festival)、“月圆节”(Mooncake Festival)和“团圆节”(Reunion Festival)。它们可以在不同的语境下使用,但都指代同样的传统节日。



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