
英语听力2024-03-25 10:08:22小编




Motion JPEG (M-JPEG) is a video compression format that divides a video file into a series of JPEG image frames, each frame being compressed as a separate image. This format is commonly used for storing and transmitting video files, as it can effectively reduce file size while maintaining high quality.


motion_jpeg [ˈməʊʃən ˈdʒeɪpɛg]


Motion JPEG通常用于存储和传输视频文件,它可以在保持高画质的同时有效地减小文件大小。这种格式也经常被用于网络摄像头、数字相机和监控中。

Motion JPEG is commonly used for storing and transmitting video files, as it can effectively reduce file size while maintaining high quality. This format is also frequently used in network cameras, digital cameras, and surveillance systems.


1. The video was encoded in motion jpeg format to ensure high quality playback.

这段视频使用了motion jpeg格式进行编码,以保证高质量播放。

2. Our network cameras support motion jpeg for efficient storage and transmission of video footage.

我们的网络摄像头支持motion jpeg格式,可以有效地存储和传输视频录像。

3. The digital camera saves images in motion jpeg format, allowing for easy sharing and editing.

这款数码相机以motion jpeg格式保存图片,方便分享和编辑。

4. Motion jpeg is a popular choice for surveillance systems due to its ability to maintain high quality video while reducing file size.

Motion jpeg是监控中常用的格式,因为它可以在减小文件大小的同时保持高质量的视频。

5. The motion jpeg compression algorithm works by compressing each frame of a video separately, resulting in smaller file sizes compared to other compression methods.

Motion jpeg压缩算法通过分别压缩视频的每一帧来实现,从而与其他压缩方法相比可以获得更小的文件大小。


- M-JPEG: 这是motion jpeg的简称,通常用于代指该格式。

- MJPEG: 这也是motion jpeg的简称,常用于网络摄像头和数字相机中。

- JPEG video: 这个术语也可以指motion jpeg格式。

- Motion JPEG 2000: 这是一种新版的motion jpeg格式,它使用更先进的压缩算法来提供更高质量的视频。


总的来说,motion_jpeg是一种流行的视频压缩格式,它将视频文件分成一系列JPEG图像帧进行单独压缩。它通常用于存储和传输视频文件,可以在保持高画质的同时有效地减小文件大小。除了常用的简称M-JPEG和MJPEG外,还有一种更新的版本Motion JPEG 2000,它使用更先进的压缩算法来提供更高质量的视频。对于网络摄像头、数字相机和监控等领域,motion jpeg都是一种实用的视频格式。


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