
英语听力2024-03-25 10:59:05小编






1. 作为形容词,moving可以表示“引起感动的”、“感人的”。:

- The movie was so moving that I cried at the end.(这部电影太感人了,我在结尾处哭了。)

- The speech was very moving and touched everyone's heart.(这次演讲非常感人,触动了每个人的心。)

2. 作为动词,moving可以表示“移动”、“搬家”、“迁移”。:

- We are moving to a new house next week.(我们下周要搬到新房子去。)

- The company is moving its headquarters to a bigger city.(公司要把总部迁移到一个更大的城市。)

3. 还可以表示“使…移动/转动”。:

- Can you help me move this table?(你能帮我把这张桌子挪一下吗?)

- She moved her head slightly to see better.(她微微转了一下头以便看得更清楚。)

4. 在医学领域,moving也可以表示“移动性的”。:

- The doctor said my knee injury is not too serious, but I need to avoid any moving activities for a few weeks.(医生说我的膝盖受伤不太严重,但是我需要在几周内避免任何活动。)


1. The moving performance of the ballet dancers left the audience in tears.(芭蕾舞演员感人的表演让观众落泪。)

2. We were all moved by her touching story of overcoming adversity.(她克服困难的感人故事让我们都深受感动。)

3. The furniture was too heavy to move, so we had to ask for help.(家具太重了搬不动,所以我们不得不寻求帮助。)

4. The company decided to move its production line overseas to cut costs.(公司决定把生产线转移到海外以降低成本。)

5. The earthquake caused the ground to move and buildings to collapse.(地震导致了地面移动和建筑物倒塌。)


1. touching:作为形容词,意为“令人感动的”,常用于描述影视作品、音乐等具有情感色彩的艺术作品。

例句:The touching story of a father and son reunited after years apart has captured the hearts of many viewers.(一位父亲和儿子在多年后重聚的感人故事打动了许多观众。)

2. emotional:作为形容词,意为“情绪化的”,常用于描述人或者事物具有强烈情感的特点。

例句:The emotional speech by the president moved the whole nation.(感情充沛的演讲感动了整个。)

3. heartwarming:作为形容词,意为“温暖人心的”,常用于形容令人感动、温馨的场景或者故事。

例句:The heartwarming reunion of long-lost friends brought tears to everyone's eyes.(失散多年的朋友们温馨的团聚让每个人都流下了眼泪。)

4. relocation:作为名词,意为“迁移”,常用于描述公司、家庭等搬迁到新地方。

例句:The relocation of the factory to a rural area caused a lot of inconvenience for the workers.(工厂迁移到农村地区给工人们带来了很多不便。)




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