
英语听力2024-03-25 11:15:20小编


Mrs. Bennet说她对Mrs. Long和u没有任何看法。

拼音:[ˈmɪsɪz ˈbɛnɪt sɛd ʃi hæd nəʊ əˈpɪnjən əv mɪsɪz lɒŋ ænd ju]

用法:Mrs. Bennet是英国作家Jane Austen的小说《傲慢与偏见》中的人物,是主角Elizabeth Bennet的母亲。这句话出现在小说中第三章,当她谈论自己的邻居时,她提到了Mrs. Long和她的女儿。这句话表明Mrs. Bennet对她们没有任何看法或评价,可能是因为她们并不是那么重要或有趣。

例句1:Mrs. Bennet said she had no opinion of Mrs. Long and her daughter, as they were not as wealthy or well-connected as the other neighbors.

Mrs. Bennet说她对Mrs. Long和她的女儿没有任何看法,因为他们没有其他邻居那么富有或关系好。

例句2:When asked about the new family in town, Mrs. Bennet replied with a dismissive tone, saying she had no opinion of them.

当被问及镇上的新家庭时,Mrs. Bennet用一种不屑的语气回答说,她对他们没有任何看法。

例句3:Mrs. Bennet's lack of opinion towards Mrs. Long and her daughter was not surprising, as she was always more interested in wealthy and influential people.

Mrs. Bennet对Mrs. Long和她的女儿缺乏看法并不令人惊讶,因为她总是对富有和有影响力的人更感兴趣。

例句4:Despite Mrs. Bennet's indifference, Mrs. Long and her daughter were kind and friendly towards the Bennet family.

尽管Mrs. Bennet不在意,但Mrs. Long和她的女儿对Bennet家族仍然友善和善良。

例句5:Mrs. Long was often seen visiting Mrs. Bennet, but the latter still claimed to have no opinion of her.

经常可以看到Mrs. Long去拜访Mrs.Bennet,但后者仍然声称对她没有任何看法。

同义词及用法:这句话中的“opinion”可以替换为“thoughts”、“impression”、“view”等。:“Mrs. Bennet said she had no thoughts on Mrs. Long and her daughter.” “Mrs. Bennet didn't have a positive impression of Mrs.Long.” “She didn't hold a favorable view of them.”



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