
英语听力2024-03-25 12:52:09小编



怎么读:[myuˈtʃuəl ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃən](音标)


例句1:The mutual-information between the stock price and the company's performance is high, indicating a strong correlation.(股票价格和公司业绩之间的互信息很高,表明二者存在强烈的相关性。)

例句2:By calculating the mutual-information between different features, we can select the most relevant ones for our machine learning model.(通过计算不同特征之间的互信息,我们可以为机器学习模型选择最相关的特征。)

例句3:Mutual-information can also be used to measure the redundancy in a dataset, which can help us simplify and optimize our data analysis process.(互信息也可以用来衡量数据集中的冗余性,从而帮助我们简化和优化数据分析过程。)

例句4:In natural language processing, mutual-information is often used to determine the co-occurrence of words in a text.(在自然语言处理中,互信息经常用于确定文本中单词的共现情况。)

例句5:The mutual-information between the input and output of a neural network can be used as a measure of the network's performance.(神经网络输入和输出之间的互信息可以作为衡量网络性能的指标。)

同义词及用法:互信息(中文),mutual information(英文),MI(缩写),information gain(信息增益,与互信息概念相似但有细微差别)。



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