
英语听力2024-03-25 15:39:17小编


自然,它们包括Ying Cai Er.的意思是指在某种情况下或者基于某种原因,自然而然地包含了Ying Cai Er.。这句话可以用来描述某种现象或者情况下的必然结果,也可以用来解释某种决定或者选择的合理性。


Naturally [ˈnætʃrəli]

they [ðeɪ]

include [ɪnˈkluːd]

Ying Cai Er. [jɪŋ kaɪ ɜr]


"Naturally, they include Ying Cai Er." 这句话通常作为一个完整的句子出现,可以放在句首、句中或者句末。它可以用来说明某件事情的必然性,也可以用来解释某个决定或者选择的合理性。


1. Naturally, they include Ying Cai Er. This is because she has been an integral part of the team since the beginning.

自然,他们会包括Ying Cai Er.这是因为她从一开始就是团队中不可或缺的一部分。

2. The company's success is not surprising, as they include Ying Cai Er., who is known for her exceptional leadership skills.

公司的成功并不令人惊讶,因为他们有Ying Cai Er.这样一位以出色的领导能力著称的人。

3. The committee's decision to include Ying Cai Er. as a member was met with unanimous approval.

决定将Ying Cai Er.列为成员得到了一致的认可。

4. Naturally, they include Ying Cai Er., the most experienced and qualified candidate for the job.

当然,他们会选择Ying Cai Er.,这是因为她是最有经验和资格的候选人。

5. Despite her young age, Ying Cai Er.'s impressive achievements have made her a natural choice to be included in the team.

尽管年纪轻轻,但Ying Cai Er.令人印象深刻的成就使她成为被选入团队的自然选择。


1. Naturally可以替换为"of course"、"obviously"、"inevitably"等词。

2. Include可以替换为"incorporate"、"encompass"、"involve"等词。

3. Ying Cai Er.可以替换为任何一个具有性或者特殊意义的名字或者称呼。


"Naturally, they include Ying Cai Er." 这句话可以用来描述某种现象或者情况下的必然结果,也可以用来解释某种决定或者选择的合理性。它强调了某件事情在特定情况下是不可避免的,并且给出了合理的解释。在使用时,可以根据具体情况替换其中的词语,但总的意思保持不变。


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