
英语听力2024-03-25 17:16:54小编




Nervous is an adjective used to describe the state of a person or thing, referring to the performance of an individual when facing emotions such as tension, anxiety, and unease. It can be used to describe a person's mental state or physical reactions, as well as the characteristics of something.




1. 作为形容词,nervous通常用来描述一个人在面对紧张、焦虑等情绪时的表现。

- She was nervous before her job interview.


- The students were feeling nervous before their final exams.


2. 除了形容人的心理状态外,nervous也可以用来形容某种事物的特征。

- The cat was nervous and kept hiding under the bed.


- The dog barked nervously at the strangers.


3. nervous也可以用作名词,表示“神经质的人”。

- She's a real nervous, always worrying about everything.


4. 在医学上,nervous还可以指“神经”的意思。

- The patient has a problem with their nervous system.



1. She was too nervous to speak in front of the large audience.


2. He gets nervous every time he has to give a presentation.


3. The actress felt nervous before her first performance on stage.


4. He was so nervous during the job interview that he couldn't s fidgeting in his seat.


5. The students were all feeling very nervous before taking their final exams.



1. anxious:形容一个人因为担心或害怕而感到焦虑不安。

- I'm anxious about my presentation tomorrow.


2. tense:形容一个人因为紧张或担忧而肌肉绷紧,也可以用来形容气氛的紧张。

- The atmosphere in the room was tense before the exam.


3. uneasy:形容一个人因为不安或担忧而感到不自在。

- She felt uneasy about going to the party alone.


4. edgy:形容一个人因为紧张、焦虑或易怒而表现出敏感的反应。

- He's been really edgy lately, I think something is bothering him.





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