
英语听力2024-03-25 22:12:22小编


1. none_of是什么意思(中英文)解释的意思


2. 怎么读(音标)

none_of的读音为[nʌn əv],其中,nʌn为元音发音,“ə”为弱元音发音,“v”为辅音发音。

3. 用法


主语:None of the students passed the exam.

宾语:She chose none of the dresses.

定语:None of my friends are coming to the party.

表语:The answer is none of the above.

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照

1) None of us knows how to solve this problem. (我们谁也不知道如何解决这个问题。)

2) She has none of her mother's artistic talent. (她没有继承母亲的艺术天赋。)

3) I have tried all the options, but none of them seem to work. (我尝试了所有的选项,但似乎都不起作用。)

4) None of these dishes are spicy enough for me. (这些菜都不够辣。)

5) None of his arguments convinced me. (他的论点都没能说服我。)

5. 同义词及用法

none_of的同义词包括:not any、neither、no one等,它们都可以表示“没有……的”。:

Not any of the students passed the exam.

Neither of my friends are coming to the party.

No one knows how to solve this problem.

6. 编辑总结



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