
英语听力2024-03-25 23:29:13小编




Note is an English word that can be used as a noun or a verb. As a noun, it means "a written record" or "a short message". As a verb, it means "to record" or "to point out". In British English, note also means "banknote". Overall, note can refer to a way of recording or reminding.




1. 作为名词:

(1) 指笔记、便条等:

Please take note of these important points. (请注意这些重要事项。)

I left a note on the fridge for you. (我在冰箱上给你留了个便条。)

(2) 指注释、说明:

The teacher's notes were very helpful for my study. (老师的注释对我的学习很有帮助。)

(3) 指提醒、提示:

Make a mental note to call her tomorrow. (心里记下明天给她打。)

2. 作为动词:

(1) 指记录、记下:

He noted down the important information. (他记录下了重要的信息。)

(2) 指指出、指明:

The doctor noted that she had a fever. (医生指出她发烧了。)


1. Take note of the deadline for this project. (请注意这个项目的截止日期。)

2. I always carry a small notebook to write down important notes. (我总是带着一个小笔记本来记录重要的笔记。)

3. The teacher asked us to take notes during the lecture. (老师要求我们在讲座期间做笔记。)

4. Please note that the meeting has been rescheduled to next Monday. (请注意已经改期到下周一。)

5. The police noted down the license plate number of the suspect's car. (记录下了嫌疑人车辆的车牌号码。)


1. memorandum:作为名词,意为“备忘录”、“便条”,也可作为动词使用,意为“写备忘录”、“做笔记”。

2. jot down:作为动词短语,意为“匆匆记下”、“草草写下”,常用于指简短的记录或提醒。

3. annotation:作为名词,意为“注释”、“批注”,常用于学术或文学作品中。

4. reminder:作为名词,意为“提醒物”、“提示”,常用于指提醒某人做某事的方式。

5. notation:作为名词,意为“记号”、“符号”,常用于数学或音乐领域。


在日常生活中,我们经常需要记录或提醒自己或他人的事项。而note这个单词就是一个很好的选择,它既可以表示笔记、便条等书面形式,也可以表示口头的提醒或提示。此外,它还有其他同义词可供选择,如memorandum、jot down等。因此,在使用英语时,我们可以根据具体情况选择合适的单词来表达自己的意思。


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