
英语听力2024-03-25 23:45:09小编




英文释义:a notification, a notice, an announcement


notification [ˌnoʊtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən]




1. The company will send a notification to all employees about the upcoming changes. 公司将向所有员工发送关于即将到来的变更的通知。

2. Please check your email for the notification from the school regarding the new schedule. 请查看学校发来关于新时间表的通知邮件。

3. The government issued a notification to all citizens to stay indoors during the typhoon. 向所有市民发布了一则通知,在台风期间请待在室内。

4. I received a notification on my phone about the delivery of my package. 我收到了手机上关于我的包裹送达的通知。

5. The event organizer posted a notification on their website about the cancellation of the concert due to bad weather. 活动组织者在他们的网站上发布了一则关于因恶劣天气取消音乐会的通知。


1. Notice: a formal written or printed announcement or piece of information. It can also refer to a sign or placard that conveys information.

例句:A notice was posted on the door informing customers of the store's closure. 一则通知被张贴在门上,告知顾客店铺已关闭。

2. Announcement: a public or formal statement about something important, often made by someone in authority.

例句:The company's CEO made an announcement about their new product line at the press conference. 公司的首席执行官在新闻发布会上宣布了他们的新产品线。

3. Alert: a warning of danger, an emergency situation, or something important that requires immediate attention.

例句:The government issued an alert to residents in the coastal areas to evacuate due to the approaching hurricane. 向沿海地区居民发布报,要求他们撤离因即将来临的飓风。

4. Memo: a written message or communication sent within an organization.

例句:The manager sent out a memo to all staff members regarding the new company policy. 经理向所有员工发送了一份备忘录,关于公司的新。

5. Bulletin: a brief official statement on a matter of public interest issued for immediate publication.

例句:The church bulletin announced the upcoming charity event and encouraged members to participate. 教堂宣布了即将举行的慈善活动,并鼓励会员参与。




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