
英语听力2024-03-26 05:11:13小编




old [əʊld]


1. 作形容词时,表示某物已经存在很长时间,或者使用时间已久。:

- My car is old and needs to be replaced.(我的车子旧了,需要换掉。)

- This book is very old, it was published in 1920.(这本书很旧了,它是在1920年出版的。)

2. 作形容词时,表示某人年纪大,已经进入老年阶段。:

- My grandparents are getting old and need more care.(我的祖父母年纪大了,需要更多的照顾。)

- She looks old, but she is only 50 years old.(她看起来很老了,但她只有50岁。)

3. 作名词时,指代一位年长者或老年人。:

- The old in our society should be respected and taken care of.(我们社会中的老人应该被尊重和照顾。)

- The young should learn from the experience of the old.(年轻人应该向老人学习经验。)

4. 可以用来修饰其他名词,表示某物已经存在很长时间,或者使用时间已久。:

- This is my old bike, I've had it for 10 years.(这是我的旧自行车,我已经用了10年了。)

- These are old clothes, I need to buy new ones.(这些是旧衣服,我需要买新的。)


1. He looks very old for his age.(他看起来比他的年龄要老。)

2. The old man has been living in this village for over 80 years.(这位老人在这个村子里已经住了80多年了。)

3. I found some old photos of my parents when they were young.(我找到了一些我父母年轻时的旧照片。)

4. My grandfather is an old soldier, he fought in the Second World War.(我的祖父是一位,他曾参加过第二次世界大战。)

5. The furniture in this house is very old, it has been passed down for generations.(这房子里的家具很旧,它已经传承了几代人。)


1. Elderly:指年纪较大的人,通常用来尊称或客观描述。

:The elderly man needs help crossing the street.


2. Aged:指年纪较大的人,通常用来客观描述,也可以用来修饰其他名词。

:The aged population is increasing in this country.


3. Senior:指年纪较大的人,通常用来尊称或客观描述,也可以指某一级别或职位的高级。

:The senior citizens in this community have formed a book club.


4. Antique:指非常古老的东西,通常用来形容具有收藏价值的物品。

:This antique vase is worth a lot of money.





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