
英语听力2024-03-26 05:47:14小编



怎么读:[ɒnˈbɔːd](英式音标)/ [ɑːnˈbɔːrd](美式音标)

用法:on-board作为一个形容词,可以修饰名词,也可以作为名词前的定语。在修饰名词时,常用于以下结构:be on board + 名词;on-board + 名词;on board + 名词;on-board + 名词短语。在作为名词前的定语时,通常放置在名词之前。


1. The on-board computer system of the car can monitor and adjust various parameters in real time. (这辆车的车载电脑可以实时监测和调整各种参数。)

2. The flight attendant reminded all passengers to turn off their electronic devices before takeoff, as they are not allowed to be on board during the flight. (机上服务员提醒所有乘客,在起飞前关闭他们的电子设备,因为它们不允许在飞行途中使用。)

3. The new model of this smartphone has an on-board memory of 128GB, which is much larger than the previous one. (这款智能手机的新型号内置存储容量为128GB,比之前的要大得多。)

4. The on-board camera of the drone can capture high-definition images and videos during flight. (无人机的机载摄像头可以在飞行过程中捕捉高清图像和视频。)

5. The on-board entertainment system on this cruise ship offers a variety of movies, music and games for passengers to enjoy during the voyage. (这艘游轮上的机载娱乐为乘客提供了各种电影、音乐和游戏,在航行中可以享受。)

同义词及用法:on-board还有一些近义词,如aboard、onboarded、installed等,它们都有类似的意思,但用法略有不同。aboard通常指某人或某物已经登上交通工具或加入某个团队,如:The passengers are all aboard the train now.(乘客们现在都已经登上火车了。)onboarded则更多地指某人或某物已经被加入到或网络中,如:The new employees have been onboarded to our company's online platform.(新员工已经被加入到我们公司的在线中了。)installed则更多地指某物已经安装在设备或中,如:I have just installed the latest version of this software on my computer.(我刚刚把这个软件的最新版本安装在了我的电脑上。)



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