
英语听力2024-03-26 06:07:15小编




One-hit wonder (noun) is an English term used to describe an artist or band who only has one extremely popular song throughout their entire career. This song usually achieves great success during a specific period of time, but the artist or band is unable to replicate this success again. The term can also be used to describe something or someone who achieves great success during a specific time period, but is unable to reach the same level again.


one-hit_wonder [wʌn hɪt ˈwʌndər]



One-hit wonder is usually used as a noun to describe a situation where an artist or band, song, movie, etc. only has one successful moment and no further achievements. It can also be used as an adjective to describe something that achieves great success during a specific time period but has no follow-up.


1. The band became a one-hit wonder when their debut single reached number one on the charts.


2. Despite being considered a one-hit wonder, the artist continues to perform and release new music.


3. The movie was a one-hit wonder at the box office, but it quickly faded from public memory.


4. Many people thought the company's product was just a one-hit wonder, but it ended up becoming a huge success.


5. The singer's career was short-lived as she was labeled as a one-hit wonder after her first album failed to produce any other popular songs.



1. Flash in the pan:指一时的成功,但很快就消失了。

2. One-day wonder:指只有一天成功的现象。

3. One-hit sensation:指只有一次成功的人或事物。

这些词汇都可以用来形容类似于one-hit wonder的情况,但都有些微妙的差别。

1. Flash in the pan: refers to a temporary success that quickly fades away.

2. One-day wonder: refers to something or someone who only has one day of success.

3. One-hit sensation: refers to someone or something that only has one moment of success.

These words can all be used to describe situations similar to one-hit wonder, but they have subtle differences.


One-hit wonder是一个常用的英语词汇,在娱乐圈或其他领域中经常被使用。它可以形容某位艺人或乐队在职业生涯中只有一次性成功,也可以用来形容某件事物在某个特定时期内取得了巨大成功而没有后续。同义词包括flash in the pan、one-day wonder和one-hit sensation。在使用时需要注意其词性及语境,避免造成误解。


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