
英语听力2024-03-26 07:43:07小编



Open drain是一种电路设计中常用的术语,指的是输出端口的工作模式。在open drain模式下,输出端口可以输出低电平,但无法输出高电平。这种模式通常用于驱动外部设备,如LED灯、继电器等。在open drain模式下,输出端口的电压可以被外部设备拉高或拉低,并且可以实现多个设备共享一个信号线的功能。

Open drain is a commonly used term in circuit design, referring to the working mode of an output port. In open drain mode, the output port can output a low level, but cannot output a high level. This mode is often used to drive external devices such as LED lights, relays, etc. In open drain mode, the voltage of the output port can be pulled up or pulled down by external devices, and it can also achieve the function of multiple devices sharing one signal line.


[ˌəʊpn ˈdreɪn]


Open drain通常用于数字电路中,特别是在输入/输出接口和总线驱动器中。它可以有效地保护内部电路免受外部设备可能产生的过压或过流的损坏,并且可以实现多个设备共享一个信号线的功能。此外,在某些情况下,open drain也可以用于模拟电路中。

Open drain is commonly used in digital circuits, especially in input/output interfaces and bus drivers. It can effectively protect the internal circuit from damage caused by overvoltage or overcurrent from external devices, and can also achieve the function of multiple devices sharing one signal line. In addition, in some cases, open drain can also be used in analog circuits.


1. The output port of this microcontroller is configured as open drain mode to drive the LED display.

这款微器的输出端口被配置为open drain模式,以驱动LED显示器。

2. In order to prevent damage to the internal circuit, the output port is designed to work in open drain mode.

为了防止内部电路损坏,输出端口被设计为open drain模式工作。

3. The open drain mode allows multiple devices to share a single signal line without interference.

open drain模式允许多个设备共享一条信号线,而不会产生干扰。

4. The bus driver uses open drain mode to drive the communication between different modules.

总线驱动器采用open drain模式来驱动不同模块之间的通信。

5. When using an external power supply, make sure it has an open-drain output with a maximum voltage of 5V.



Open collector是与open drain相似的术语,也指的是输出端口的工作模式。它们之间的区别在于,open collector模式下输出端口可以输出高电平,但无法输出低电平。因此,open collector通常用于驱动需要高电平信号的外部设备。

Open collector is a similar term to open drain, also referring to the working mode of an output port. The difference between them is that in open collector mode, the output port can output a high level, but cannot output a low level. Therefore, open collector is usually used to drive external devices that require a high level signal.


Open drain是一种常用的电路设计术语,它可以有效地保护内部电路免受外部设备可能产生的过压或过流的损坏,并且可以实现多个设备共享一个信号线的功能。在数字电路中,open drain通常与open collector一起使用来驱动不同类型的外部设备。通过了解open drain的意思、读音、用法以及与之类似的术语,我们可以更好地理解和应用这一概念。


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