
英语听力2024-03-26 08:16:13小编




optical_mouse is a computer peripheral used to control the movement of a cursor on a screen. It uses an optical sensor to track the movement of the mouse, instead of using a scroll wheel and ball like traditional mechanical mice. This technology makes optical mice more precise, responsive, and eliminates the need for frequent cleaning.


/optɪkəl maʊs/



Optical mice are typically used with computers and can be connected to a computer through USB or wireless connections. They usually have left and right buttons and a scroll wheel, allowing users to click, drag, and scroll through content on their screens. They can also be used for gaming and graphic design purposes.


1. My old mechanical mouse was constantly getting stuck, so I decided to upgrade to an optical mouse. (我的旧机械鼠标经常卡住,所以我决定升级到光学鼠标。)

2. The optical mouse is much more precise than the traditional one, making it easier for me to edit photos. (光学鼠标比传统的更精确,让我更容易编辑照片。)

3. I love how smooth and responsive this optical mouse is, it makes working on my computer much more enjoyable. (我喜欢这款光学鼠标的流畅和反应速度,它让我在电脑上工作更加愉快。)

4. My hand used to get tired after using a mechanical mouse all day, but with this new optical mouse, I don't have that problem anymore. (以前我整天使用机械鼠标后手会累,但是现在换了这款光学鼠标后就不再有这个问题了。)

5. The optical mouse is a great tool for presentations, as it allows me to easily point and click on slides without any hassle. (光学鼠标是演示文稿的好工具,因为它可以让我轻松地在幻灯片上点击和指向,没有任何麻烦。)


1. Laser Mouse(激光鼠标):与光学鼠标类似,都是通过激光传感器来跟踪鼠标的移动。

2. Wireless Mouse(无线鼠标):与有线的optical_mouse不同,无线鼠标可以通过蓝牙或RF信号与计算机连接。

3. Trackball Mouse(轨迹球鼠标):与传统的机械鼠标不同,轨迹球鼠标是通过滚动一个小球来光标的移动。

4. Gaming Mouse(游戏鼠标):专门为电子游戏设计的一种鼠标,具有更多的定制功能和更高的精确度。

5. Touchpad(触摸板):一种内置在笔记本电脑上方、用手指触摸来光标移动的装置。




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