
英语听力2024-03-26 08:58:34小编







1. 作为形容词时,ordinal通常用来修饰名词,表示按照顺序排列的事物或数字。

- The ordinal numbers (第一、第二、第三) are used to indicate position or order.


- The ordinal arrangement of the books on the shelf made it easy to find the one I needed.


2. 作为名词时,ordinal通常指表示顺序关系的数字或字母。

- In English, ordinals are formed by adding -th to cardinal numbers (e.g. first, second, third).

(在英语中,序数是通过在基数后加上-th来构成的(如:first, second, third)。)

- The ordinal of the letter A is first in the alphabet.



1. The ordinal position of the team in the league determines their chances of making it to the playoffs.


2. In this competition, participants will be judged based on their performance and not their ordinal numbers.


3. The ordinal system used in this country is different from that of our own.


4. The ordinal chapter of the book discusses the development of technology over the years.


5. The students were asked to put the events in chronological and ordinal order.


1. The first person to cross the finish line will be awarded a gold medal.


2. We need to find out who came in second place for the race.


3. The letter "B" is second in order in the English alphabet.


4. Please write your name on the first line and your address on the second line.


5. The ordinal numbers are used to indicate position or order.



1. sequential:形容词,指按照一定顺序排列的,与ordinal的用法相似。

- The sequential arrangement of the chapters in the book made it easy to follow the storyline.


2. ranking:名词,指根据某种标准进行排序或评定等级。

- The players' rankings were determined by their performance in the tournament.


3. order:名词,指按照一定规则或标准排列的事物。

- Please put these books in alphabetical order.





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