
英语听力2024-03-26 11:41:42小编


- 意思:outweigh是一个动词,意为“超过;比...重要;比...有价值”。

- 怎么读:英 [ˌaʊtˈweɪ] 美 [ˌaʊtˈweɪ]

- 用法:常与介词“by”连用,表示“比...更重要/有价值”。也可以与名词、代词或动名词连用,表示“超过;胜过”。

- 例句:

1. The benefits of exercise outweigh the risks. (锻炼的好处超过了风险。)

2. The advantages of living in the city outweigh the disadvantages. (生活在城市的好处大于坏处。)

3. His achievements in the field of science far outweigh his failures. (他在科学领域的成就远远超过了他的失败。)

4. The positive impact of technology on our lives cannot be outweighed by its negative effects. (技术对我们生活的积极影响无法被其负面影响所抵消。)

5. The value of this painting far outweighs its cost. (这幅画的价值远远大于它的成本。)

- 同义词及用法:surpass、exceed、transcend、overbalance等都可以表示“超过;胜过”,但它们强调的方面不同。surpass侧重指在某一方面做得更好;exceed侧重指数量或程度上的超越;transcend侧重指超越某种限制或界限;overbalance侧重指在重量或力量上的超过。:

1. The beauty of this painting surpasses that of any other artwork. (这幅画的美丽胜过任何其他艺术品。)

2. The number of students in this school exceeds that of the neighboring schools. (这所学校的学生人数超过了周边学校。)

3. His achievements transcend the boundaries of his field. (他的成就超越了他所在领域的界限。)

4. The weight of the evidence overbalanced the defendant's testimony. (证据的重量压倒了被告人的证词。)



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