
英语听力2024-03-26 20:03:07小编


- 意思:

- 中文:和平

- 英文:peace

- 怎么读(音标):

- 中文:píng jìng

- 英文:/piːs/

- 用法:

- peace作为名词,表示“没有战争或,或社会的安定状态”。

- peace也可以作为动词,表示“使平静、安宁”。

- 例句1-5句且中英对照:

- 1. The world is longing for peace. (世界渴望和平。)

- 2. The two countries have finally signed a peace treaty. (这两个终于签署了和平条约。)

- 3. The soldier returned home after years of fighting, hoping to find peace with his family. (经过多年的战斗,士回到家乡,希望能与家人和平相处。)

- 4. The peaceful protest turned into a violent clash between the police and the demonstrators. (和平活动最终演变成民。)

- 5. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to find inner peace amidst the chaos around her. (她闭上双眼,深吸一口气,试图在周围的混乱中找到内心的宁静。)

- 同义词及用法:

同义词:harmony, tranquility, serenity, calmness

- harmony:强调各部分间的和谐统一,常用于指人与人之间的关系。

- 例句:The peaceful coexistence of different ethnic groups is essential for social harmony. (不同民族的和平共处对社会和谐至关重要。)

- tranquility:指内心的平静,通常用于形容环境或氛围。

- 例句:The tranquil lake and the surrounding mountains make this place a perfect spot for meditation. (宁静的湖水和周围的群山使这个地方成为冥想的理想场所。)

- serenity:强调内心的宁静和平静,常用于形容心情或氛围。

- 例句:She found serenity in the quietness of the countryside. (她在乡村的宁静中找到了内心的平静。)

- calmness:指情绪或环境的稳定、安定,常用于形容人或气氛。

- 例句:Despite the chaos around her, she remained calm and focused. (尽管周围一片混乱,她仍保持冷静并专注。)

- 编辑总结:



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