
英语听力2024-03-26 20:33:02小编




peel_off的音标为 [piːl ɒf],其中“peel”的发音为/piːl/,重音在第一个音节上,“off”的发音为/ɒf/,重音在第二个音节上。


1. peel_off作为动词时,常用于描述物体表面的一层被剥离或脱落的过程。

- The paint on the wall is starting to peel off. (墙上的油漆开始剥落。)

- The label on the bottle has peeled off. (瓶子上的标签已经脱落了。)

2. peel_off也可以指人或动物的皮肤、衣服等被剥去或脱落。

- She peeled off her wet clothes and put on a dry towel. (她脱掉湿衣服,换上了一条干毛巾。)

- The snake shed its skin and peeled off the old one. (蛇蜕皮,剥落了旧的皮肤。)

3. peel_off还可以用来表示逐渐离开或分离。

- The students gradually peeled off from the group and went their separate ways. (学生们逐渐离开了群体,各自走向不同的方向。)

- The clouds started to peel off, revealing a clear blue sky. (云层开始消散,露出了一片晴朗的蓝天。)

4. 还有一种常见的用法是指在比赛中被淘汰或落后。

- Our team was peeling off in the first round of the tournament. (我们队在比赛的第一轮就被淘汰了。)

- The runner was peeling off from the pack, falling behind in the race. (这名选手从集团中掉队,在比赛中落后了。)


1. The old wallpaper in my bedroom is starting to peel off, I need to replace it.


2. He peeled off his jacket and hung it on the coat rack.


3. As we climbed higher, the layers of fog began to peel off and we could see the breathtaking view.


4. The team was peeling off one by one as they faced their opponents' strong defense.


5. The label on the jar had peeled off, so I couldn't tell what was inside.



1. Flake off:指物体表面一层被剥离或脱落。

:The paint on the ceiling started to flake off.


2. Strip off:指将衣服等从身体上脱下。

:She stripped off her wet clothes and put on a dry towel.


3. Shed:指动物蜕皮或植物脱落叶子等。

:The snake shed its skin and peeled off the old one.


4. Separate:指分离或分开。

:The clouds started to separate, revealing a clear blue sky.


5. Eliminate:指在比赛中被淘汰。

:Our team was eliminated in the first round of the tournament.



peel_off是一个常用的动词短语,意思是“剥落;剥去;脱落”。它可以用来描述物体表面的一层被剥离或脱落的过程,也可以指人或动物的皮肤、衣服等被剥去或脱落的情况。除此之外,它还可以表示逐渐离开或分离,以及在比赛中被淘汰或落后。同义词包括flake off、strip off、shed、separate和eliminate。掌握这个词语的用法和同义词,能够帮助我们更准确地表达自己的意思。


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