
英语听力2024-03-27 03:37:05小编



Plastic mould是指用于塑料制品生产的模具,也被称为塑料模具。它是一种用于制造各种塑料制品的工具,如家电、玩具、日用品等。通过将熔融的塑料注入到模具中,待其冷却凝固后,可得到各种形状和尺寸的塑料制品。

Plastic mould is a type of mold used for plastic product production, also known as plastic mold. It is a tool used for manufacturing various plastic products, such as household appliances, toys, daily necessities, etc. By injecting molten plastic into the mold and letting it cool and solidify, various shapes and sizes of plastic products can be obtained.


Plastic mould [ˈplæstɪk məʊld]


Plastic mould通常由钢材或铝材制成,可根据不同的产品要求设计不同形状和尺寸的模具。它广泛应用于各个行业,如家电、汽车、医疗器械、建筑材料等。使用plastic mould可以大幅提高生产效率和产品质量,并且可以轻松实现批量生产。


1. The manufacturer has invested in advanced plastic moulds to improve the production efficiency. (制造商投资了先进的塑料模具来提高生产效率。)

2. The plastic mould is designed with precision to ensure the accuracy of the final product. (塑料模具采用精密设计,以确保最终产品的准确性。)

3. Many household appliances are made with the help of plastic moulds, making them more durable and cost-effective. (许多家电产品都是借助塑料模具制作,使它们更耐用和具有成本效益。)

4. The automotive industry relies heavily on plastic moulds for the production of car parts. (汽车行业严重依赖塑料模具来生产汽车零部件。)

5. With the development of technology, 3D printing has also been used in the production of plastic moulds, making the process more efficient and cost-effective. (随着技术的发展,3D打印也被应用于塑料模具的生产,使其过程更加高效和具有成本效益。)


1. Plastic mold - 同义词,也是指塑料模具。

2. Plastic injection mold - 指采用注射方式制造塑料制品的模具。

3. Plastic die - 指用于压力加工塑料制品的模具。


Plastic mould是一种重要的工业制造工具,它可以帮助我们生产各种各样的塑料制品。它的应用范围广泛,可以提高生产效率和产品质量,同时也能够降低成本。随着技术的发展,plastic mould的制造方式也在不断进步,为我们带来更多便利和效益。


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