
英语听力2024-03-27 03:48:15小编




plate的音标为 [pleɪt]。


1. 作名词时,plate可以指代一种用来放置食物的平坦的圆形或者椭圆形容器。它可以用来吃饭、盛装食物或者做装饰品。:

- Could you pass me a plate, please? (请你把盘子递给我好吗?)

- The waiter brought out the plates of food. (服务员端出了食物盘。)

2. 作名词时,plate也可以指代一种平面的、有特定功能的金属板。它可以用来制作家具、车辆和其他物品。:

- The license plate on my car is damaged. (我的车牌被损坏了。)

- The artist used a metal plate to create the design. (艺术家使用了金属板来设计这幅作品。)

3. 作名词时,plate还可以指代一种标志或者标签。它可以用来表示某个组织、团体或者企业的身份和信息。:

- The name of the company was engraved on the plate. (公司的名称被刻在了牌子上。)

- The team received a gold plate for winning the championship. (该队伍因夺得冠而获得了一块金牌。)

4. 作动词时,plate的意思是“给某物镀上金属”。它通常用来制作装饰品或者保护某种材料。:

- The jewelry was plated with silver. (珠宝被镀上了银。)

- The car parts were plated with chrome to prevent rusting. (汽车零件被镀上铬以防止生锈。)


1. The waiter placed a plate of pasta in front of me.(服务员把一盘意大利面放在我面前。)

2. The car's license plate was missing, so it had to be replaced.(车牌丢失了,所以必须更换。)

3. The company's logo was printed on the metal plate attached to the building.(公司的标志被印在附着在建筑物上的金属牌子上。)

4. She used a special technique to plate the silver jewelry with gold.(她使用一种特殊技术把白银首饰镀上了金子。)

5. The chef carefully arranged the food on the plate to make it look more appetizing.(厨师精心摆放食物在盘子里,使其看起来更诱人。)


1. dish:作名词时,意思是“盘子;菜肴”。:

- She served the soup in a large dish.(她把汤盛在一个大盘子里。)

- The restaurant's specialty dish is the seafood paella.(这家餐厅的特色菜是海鲜大锅饭。)

2. platter:作名词时,意思是“大浅盘;大托盘”。:

- The waiter brought out a platter of cheese and crackers.(服务员端出了一只装满奶酪和脆饼的大托盘。)

- The turkey was served on a large platter for Thanksgiving dinner.(感恩节晚餐上,火鸡被放在一只大浅盘上。)

3. panel:作名词时,意思是“面板;板块”。:

- The control panel on the machine was damaged.(机器上的面板被损坏了。)

- The car's front panel was dented in the accident.(车祸中前面的车门被撞凹了。)




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