
英语听力2024-03-27 08:33:10小编


1. potential的意思是潜在的,可能的(adjective)。

2. potential的发音为/pəˈtenʃl/,音标为[pəˈtɛnʃl]。

3. potential可以用来形容某种事物具有未来发展或实现的可能性,也可以指某人具有未来成长或发展的潜力。同时,它还可以用来表示某种能力或性质尚未完全发挥出来,还有待开发或挖掘。

4. 例句:

1) The company has great potential for growth in the international market.


2) She is a young actress with great potential.


3) This new technology has the potential to revolutionize the industry.


4) The young athlete has shown great potential in the field of swimming.


5) The company is looking for employees who have the potential to become future leaders.


5. 同义词及用法:


1) The potential for success is high in this project.


2) It is possible that the project will fail.



1) This new product has great potential in the market.


2) The prospective growth of this company is very promising.


6. 编辑总结:



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