
英语听力2024-03-27 16:21:11小编





protect [prəˈtekt]


1. 保护某人/某物

例句:Parents should protect their children from harm. 父母应该保护他们的孩子免受伤害。

例句:We need to protect our environment for future generations. 我们需要为未来的后代保护我们的环境。

2. 防止某事发生

例句:Vaccines can protect people from getting certain diseases. 疫苗可以预防人们患上某些疾病。

例句:You should wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. 你应该涂防晒霜以保护皮肤免受太阳有害的紫外线。

3. 维护某人/某物的权利、利益或安全

例句:The police are here to protect the citizens and maintain public order. 在这里是为了保护公民并维持公共秩序。

例句:It is the government's responsibility to protect the rights of its citizens. 有责任保护公民的权利。

4. 提供防护措施

例句:This helmet will protect your head while you ride a bike. 这个头盔会在你骑自行车时保护你的头部。

例句:The walls of the castle were built to protect the people inside from invaders. 城堡的墙壁是为了保护里面的人免受入侵者的伤害。


1. The government has implemented measures to protect endangered species. 已经采取措施来保护濒危物种。

2. It is important for parents to protect their children's innocence. 父母保护孩子的天真是很重要的。

3. The security guard's job is to protect the building from potential threats. 保安的工作就是保护建筑免受潜在威胁。

4. We must take action now to protect our planet for future generations. 我们必须立即采取行动,为了未来的后代而保护我们的星球。

5. Wearing a mask can help protect you and others from getting sick during flu season. 戴口罩可以帮助你和他人在流感季节免于生病。


1. safeguard: 指采取措施来保护某人或某物免遭危险、损失或伤害。

例句:The security guard's job is to safeguard the building from potential threats. 保安的工作就是保护建筑免受潜在威胁。

2. defend: 指为了保护某人或某物而进行防御、抵御攻击。

例句:The soldiers were willing to defend their country at all costs. 士们愿意不惜一切代价保卫自己的。

3. shield: 指用作屏障来阻挡或保护某人或某物。

例句:The umbrella will shield you from the rain. 这把伞会为你挡雨。

4. guard: 指提供戒、防范、守卫等服务来保护某人或某物。

例句:The bodyguards were hired to guard the celebrity's safety. 保镖被雇佣来守卫这位名人的安全。

5. preserve: 指采取措施来维持、保存或保护某人或某物。

例句:We must work together to preserve our cultural heritage for future generations. 我们必须共同努力,为了后代而保存我们的文化遗产。




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