
英语听力2024-03-27 19:31:08小编




英 [pʊt aʊt] 美 [pʊt aʊt]


1. 作为动词使用时:

a. 发布、发行:指将某种信息、产品或服务公开或提供给大众。常用于商业、媒体等领域。

例句:The company put out a new product last month. (这家公司上个月推出了一款新产品。)

b. 产生、出现:指某种情况或的发生。常用于新闻报道中。

例句:The fire put out thick smoke, causing panic among the residents. (火灾产生了浓烟,引起居民恐慌。)

c. 扑灭、熄灭:指消除火焰或光线等。常用于消防领域。

例句:The firefighters quickly put out the fire in the building. (消防员迅速扑灭了建筑物内的火灾。)

d. 打扰、干扰:指打断某人的工作或活动。常用于口语中。

例句:Sorry to put you out, but could you help me with this? (抱歉打扰你了,能帮我一下吗?)

2. 作为名词使用时:


例句:The new book put out by the publishing house has received rave reviews. (这家出版社推出的新书受到了好评。)


1. The company is planning to put out a new line of clothing next month.


2. The volcano eruption put out a large amount of ash and smoke, causing chaos in the nearby towns.


3. The firefighters managed to put out the fire before it spread to the neighboring buildings.


4. I'm sorry to put you out, but could you please turn off the lights when you leave?


5. The publishing house puts out a new magazine every month.



1. release:指将某物公开或提供给大众,强调信息、产品或服务的发布。

例句:The company plans to release a new version of their software next year. (这家公司计划明年发布他们软件的新版本。)

2. produce:指制造或生产某种产品,强调生产过程。

例句:The factory produces over 1000 units of this product every day. (这家工厂每天生产超过1000件这种产品。)

3. extinguish:指消除火焰或光线等,强调灭火的行为。

例句:The firefighters managed to extinguish the fire in less than an hour. (消防员在不到一个小时内就将火势扑灭了。)

4. disturb:指打断某人的工作或活动,强调对他人的干扰。

例句:Sorry to disturb you, but could you spare a few minutes to talk? (抱歉打扰你,能抽出几分钟聊一下吗?)




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