
英语听力2024-03-27 20:40:10小编





英 [ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ] 美 [ˈkwɑːləfaɪ]


1. 作为及物动词,qualify可以接受宾语,并且通常需要加上介词as、for、to或with。:

- He qualified as a doctor last year. (他去年取得了医生资格。)

- She is qualified for the job. (她具备这份工作的条件。)

- They are qualified to teach English. (他们有资格教英语。)

- You must qualify with a valid ID. (你必须出示有效的身份证明才能获得资格。)

2. 作为不及物动词,qualify后面通常跟上介词for、as或with,表示通过考试、满足条件等而获得资格或认证。:

- She hopes to qualify for the Olympics next year. (她希望明年能够参加奥运会。)

- He qualified as a lawyer after passing the bar exam. (通过律师资格考试后,他成为了一名律师。)

- The company qualifies with ISO 9001 certification. (该公司通过ISO 9001认证。)

3. qualify也可以被用作名词,意为“资格;条件”。:

- What are the qualifications for this job? (这份工作的条件是什么?)


1. She needs to pass the written test in order to qualify for the driving license. (她需要通过笔试才能获得驾驶执照的资格。)

2. The team qualified for the final round of the competition after winning all their matches. (这支球队在赢得所有比赛后,成功晋级到了比赛的决赛阶段。)

3. In order to qualify as a teacher, you need to have a bachelor's degree and complete a teaching certification program. (要想成为一名教师,你需要拥有学士学位并完成一项教师认证计划。)

4. The applicant must meet all the requirements to qualify for the scholarship. (申请人必须满足所有条件才能获得奖学金资格。)

5. This candidate doesn't qualify for the job because he lacks experience in this field. (这位候选人因为缺乏该领域的经验而不符合这份工作的条件。)


1. meet the requirements:满足要求

2. be eligible for:有资格的

3. pass/ace the test:通过考试

4. obtain/earn/acquire a qualification/certification:获得资格/认证

5. fulfill the criteria:符合标准


qualify是一个常用的动词,意为“使具备资格;使合格;证明合格”。它可以用来描述某人通过考试或者满足条件而获得一项资格或者认证,也可以指某人具备某种特质或者能力。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到qualify来表示某人或物符合某种标准或要求。除了作为动词之外,qualify也可以被用作名词,意为“资格;条件”。在使用时,我们需要注意其后面所需的介词及搭配。同义词包括meet the requirements、be eligible for、pass/ace the test等。最后,希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用这个单词。


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