
英语听力2024-03-27 20:47:10小编




Quality management is the process of ensuring that products or services meet specific standards and requirements through a series of management activities and measures. It involves coordination and collaboration between different departments and functions within an organization, with the aim of improving the quality of products or services and ultimately meeting the needs and expectations of customers.


[ˈkwɒləti ˈmænɪdʒmənt]



Quality management is typically used as a noun phrase to describe the management measures and methods taken by an organization or business to ensure the quality of products or services. It can also refer to a specialized department or team responsible for quality management.


1. Our company has implemented a strict quality management system to ensure that our products meet international standards. (我们公司已经实施了严格的质量管理体系,以确保我们的产品符合国际标准。)

2. The success of our business is largely attributed to our effective quality management practices. (我们企业的成功很大程度上归功于我们有效的质量管理实践。)

3. As the head of the quality management department, it is my responsibility to oversee the production process and ensure that all products meet our high standards. (作为质量管理部门的负责人,我的责任是监督生产过程,并确保所有产品符合我们的高标准。)

4. The company has recently hired a quality management consultant to help improve their overall product quality. (公司最近聘请了一位质量管理顾问,帮助提高他们整体产品质量。)

5. Quality management is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and improvement to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction. (质量管理是一个持续进行的过程,需要不断监控和改进,以保持高水平的客户满意度。)


1. Quality control: refers to the measures taken during production to ensure that products meet certain standards and specifications.

2. Total Quality Management (TQM): a holistic approach to managing quality throughout an organization, involving all employees in continuous improvement efforts.

3. Six Sigma: a data-driven methodology for improving processes and reducing defects in production.

4. ISO 9001: a set of international standards for quality management systems, used by organizations to demonstrate their ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer requirements.

5. Continuous Improvement: an ongoing effort to improve processes, products, or services through incremental changes and innovations.


Quality management is a crucial aspect of any organization or business, as it ensures that products or services meet the expectations and needs of customers. It involves a series of management activities and measures to improve the quality of products or services, and requires continuous monitoring and improvement. Other related concepts such as quality control, TQM, Six Sigma, ISO 9001, and continuous improvement all play important roles in ensuring high levels of quality in products or services. As a dictionary editor, it is important to provide accurate and comprehensive explanations for terms like quality management to help readers understand their meaning and usage in different contexts.


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