
英语听力2024-03-27 23:56:12小编


1. range_from是什么意思(中英文)解释的意思


Range_from is a phrasal verb that means to select or pick out a specific object or thing from a given range. It can be used to describe the act of choosing or selecting within a certain range, or to indicate picking out the most suitable option from multiple possibilities.

2. 怎么读(音标)

range_from [reɪndʒ frɒm]

3. 用法


Range_from is usually used as a transitive verb, followed by a noun or pronoun as its object. It can also take an infinitive as its object complement, indicating an action that is going to take place. Moreover, range_from can also take a prepositional phrase as its object, indicating the range from which something is being chosen.

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照

1) The store offers a wide range of products, ranging from clothing and accessories to home goods and electronics. (这家店提供各种各样的产品,从服装和配饰到家居用品和电子产品。)

2) The company's target audience ranges from teenagers to young professionals. (该公司的目标受众从青少年到年轻专业人士不等。)

3) I have to choose a gift from this range of options. (我必须从这些选项中选择一份礼物。)

4) Her emotions ranged from excitement to fear as she waited for the results. (她在等待结果时,情绪从兴奋到恐惧不断变化。)

5) The price of houses in this area ranges from $500,000 to over a million dollars. (这个地区房屋的价格从50万美元到100万美元以上不等。)

5. 同义词及用法

- Select: 作为动词,表示“挑选”、“选择”,与range_from的意思相近,但更强调主动性和明确性。

例句:I need to select a suitable candidate for the job. (我需要为这份工作挑选一个合适的候选人。)

- Pick out: 表示“挑选出”,与range_from意思相同,但更口语化。

例句:Can you help me pick out a dress for the party? (你能帮我挑一件派对上穿的裙子吗?)

- Choose: 作为动词,表示“选择”,与range_from意思相近,但更正式。

例句:You can choose any color you like for the walls. (你可以选择任何你喜欢的颜色来涂墙。)

6. 编辑总结

range_from是一个常用的动词短语,表示从某个范围内选择或挑选出特定的对象或事物。它可以作为及物动词使用,后接名词、代词、不定式或介词短语作宾语。与其近义词select、pick out和choose相比,range_from更加强调在一定范围内进行选择,并且更加口语化。熟练掌握range_from的用法可以帮助我们更准确地表达自己的意思,丰富英语表达方式。


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