
英语听力2024-03-28 02:35:10小编




recipient的音标为 [rɪ'sɪpɪənt]。


1. 名词用法:作为名词时,recipient通常指收到信件、礼物、奖励等的人或组织。它可以指个人,也可以指公司、等团体。:The recipient of the award was a young scientist.(这项奖项的获得者是一位年轻科学家。)The charity organization provided aid to the recipients of the disaster.(慈善向灾民提供了援助。)

2. 形容词用法:作为形容词时,recipient描述接受某种行为或事物的人或组织。:She was the recipient of his kindness and generosity.(她是他慷慨和善良行为的受益者。)The organization is the recipient of a large donation from a wealthy donor.(这个从一位富有捐赠者那里获得了一笔巨额捐款。)


1. The recipient of the scholarship was a bright and hardworking student.(这项奖学金的获得者是一位聪明勤奋的学生。)

2. The company sent a letter to all its recipients informing them of the new policy changes.(公司向所有的收件人发出信函,告知他们最新的变化。)

3. As a recipient of the Nobel Prize, she was invited to give a speech at the ceremony.(作为诺贝尔奖的获得者,她被邀请在颁奖典礼上发表演讲。)

4. The charity organization provided aid and supplies to the recipients of the natural disaster.(慈善向自然灾害的受难者提供援助和物资。)

5. He was grateful to be the recipient of such kindness from strangers during his time of need.(在他需要帮助的时候,他感激成为陌生人善良行为的受益者。)


1. Receiver:作为名词,receiver指接收某物或某种情况的人或物体,与recipient有相似意思。:The receiver of the package was required to sign for it upon delivery.(包裹的接收人在送达时需要签字确认。)

2. Beneficiary:作为名词,beneficiary指从某种行动或事物中获益的人。与recipient相比,beneficiary更强调获益的一方。:She was the sole beneficiary of her late father's inheritance.(她是她父亲遗产的唯一受益人。)

3. Addressee:作为名词,addressee指收到信件或包裹的人。与recipient相比,addressee更侧重于邮件或包裹的接收者。:The addressee of the letter was not at home, so it was returned to the sender.(这封信的收件人不在家,所以被退回给发件人。)

4. Grantee:作为名词,grantee指从或获得拨款、补助等资金的人或组织。与recipient相比,grantee更偏重于从或获得资金的一方。:The grantee of the scholarship will have their tuition fully covered by the government.(这项奖学金的受益者将由全额支付学费。)




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