
英语听力2024-03-28 03:40:11小编


1. redwing是什么意思(中英文)解释的意思


Redwing is an English word that can be used as a noun or a verb. As a noun, it refers to a type of bird, belonging to the genus Agelaius in the family Icteridae, mainly found in North America and Europe. As a verb, it means "having red wings", often used to describe birds or other animals with red wings.

2. 怎么读(音标)

redwing [ˈredˌwɪŋ]

3. 用法

作为名词时,redwing通常指代一种具有红色翅膀的鸟类,也可以用来指代其他具有相似特征的动物。:The redwing is a migratory songbird that travels long distances every year. (红翅鸫是一种每年都会迁徙长距离的候鸟。)

作为动词时,redwing通常用来形容某物具有红色翅膀的特征。:The butterfly redwings its way through the garden. (蝴蝶在花园中飞舞,翅膀上闪耀着红色的光芒。)

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照

1) The redwing is a common sight in the fields and meadows of North America. (红翅鸫是北美洲田野和草地常见的一种鸟类。)

2) The male redwing has a distinct red patch on its shoulder, while the female has a more subdued coloration. (雄性红翅鸫肩部有明显的红色斑块,而雌性则颜色较为暗淡。)

3) The redwing is known for its beautiful song, which can be heard throughout the spring and summer months. (红翅鸫以其优美的歌声而闻名,这种歌声可以在春夏季节听到。)

4) The bird expert was able to identify the species of bird by its distinctive redwing. (这位鸟类专家通过其独特的红色翅膀来识别出这种鸟类的物种。)

5) The redwing is often seen foraging for insects in the grassy fields. (红翅鸫经常在草地上觅食昆虫。)

5. 同义词及用法


- Red-winged blackbird:红翅黑鹂

- Red-winged starling:红翅椋鸟

- Red-winged robin:红翅知更鸟


- Redden:变红

- Blaze:闪耀

- Flare:闪光

6. 编辑总结



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