
英语听力2024-03-28 03:44:15小编



Red giant是指一种恒星的演化阶段,当恒星耗尽核心的氢,核心收缩导致外层温度升高,使外层氢燃烧产生更多的能量,从而膨胀成为红色巨星。这种恒星通常具有较大的质量和体积,在宇宙中广泛存在。

Red giant is a stage in the evolution of a star, when the star depletes its core of hydrogen, causing the core to contract and the outer layers to heat up, resulting in increased energy production from hydrogen burning and expansion into a red giant. These stars typically have large masses and sizes and are widespread in the universe.


/red ˈdʒaɪənt/


Red giant通常用来描述在恒星演化过程中处于红巨星阶段的恒星。它可以作为名词使用,也可以作为形容词修饰其他名词。在天文学和宇宙学领域经常使用此术语来描述恒星的不同发展阶段。

Red giant is commonly used to describe stars that are in the red giant stage during their evolution. It can be used as a noun or as an adjective modifying other nouns. This term is frequently used in astronomy and cosmology to describe different stages of stellar evolution.


1. The red giant star Betelgeuse is one of the largest and brightest stars in the night sky.


2. The red giant phase is a critical stage in the life cycle of a star, marking the end of its main sequence and the beginning of its death.


3. As a red giant expands, it can engulf and destroy any nearby planets, including potentially habitable ones.


4. The red giant's outer layers are cooler than its core, giving it a reddish appearance.


5. Scientists believe that our sun will eventually become a red giant in about 5 billion years.



Red supergiant是red giant的一种更明确和精确的表述。它指代质量更大、体积更大、亮度更强的红色恒星。与red giant相比,red supergiant更容易被观测到,并且具有更高的亮度和温度。

Red supergiant is a more specific and precise term for red giant. It refers to a red star with larger mass, size, and brightness. Compared to red giants, red supergiants are easier to observe and have higher luminosity and temperature.


在宇宙中,恒星的演化是一个不断变化的过程。Red giant是其中一个重要的阶段,它标志着恒星即将走向死亡。作为词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要对这些天文学术语有深入的了解,并能够准确地解释其含义。通过本文,我们可以了解到red giant的意思、发音、用法、例句以及同义词,希望能够帮助读者更好地理解这一概念。


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