
英语听力2024-03-28 03:47:01小编



Red line是一个英语短语,指的是某种行为或者做法的临界点或者底线。通常用来表示某种行为超出了可接受的范围,会引发严重后果。该短语也可以用来形容某个问题或者情况已经变得非常严重,需要立即采取措施解决。

Red line is an English phrase that refers to the critical point or bottom line of a behavior or practice. It is usually used to indicate that a certain behavior has exceeded the acceptable range and will have serious consequences. The phrase can also be used to describe a problem or situation that has become very serious and requires immediate action.


/red laɪn/


Red line通常作为名词使用,可以作主语、宾语或者定语。作主语时,表示某种行为已经超出了底线;作宾语时,表示某个行为被认为是不可接受的;作定语时,修饰名词,并强调其严重性。此外,red line也可以用来形容某个问题或者情况已经变得非常严重。


1. The government has made it clear that any violation of the red line will not be tolerated. (已明确表示,任何违反红线的行为都不会被容忍。)

2. Crossing the red line may result in severe consequences. (越过红线可能会导致严重后果。)

3. The company's unethical practices have crossed the red line and caused public outrage. (该公司不道德的做法已经越过了底线,并引发了公众的愤怒。)

4. The red line has been crossed and we must take immediate action to address this issue. (红线已经被越过,我们必须立即采取行动解决这个问题。)

5. The situation has reached the red line and it is imperative that we find a solution as soon as possible. (情况已经达到了红线,我们必须尽快找到解决办法。)


1. Limit:指某种行为或者情况的极限或者限制。

例句:We must set limits to prevent this situation from getting out of hand. (我们必须设定限制,防止这种情况失控。)

2. Threshold:指某种行为或者情况的临界点。

例句:The company's actions have already reached the threshold of what is legally acceptable. (该公司的行为已经达到了法律可接受的临界点。)

3. Boundary:指某种行为或者情况的。

例句:It is important to establish boundaries in a relationship to maintain a healthy dynamic. (在一段关系中建立是保持健康动态的重要因素。)

4. Rubicon:指某种行为或者决定的不可逆转性。

例句:Crossing this line would mean crossing the Rubicon and there's no turning back. (越过这条线意味着越过了不可逆转的界限,无法回头。)


Red line是一个常用的英语短语,通常用来指代某种行为或者情况已经达到临界点或者底线,超出了可接受的范围。它可以用作名词,作主语、宾语或者定语,并可以用来形容某个问题或者情况已经非常严重。在写作和口语中,使用red line可以有效地强调某个问题的严重性,并促使人们采取行动解决。此外,还有许多同义词可以替换使用,帮助丰富表达方式。因此,在学习和使用英语时,掌握并灵活运用red line这一短语是很有益处的。


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