
英语听力2024-03-28 04:46:14小编




regards [rɪˈɡɑːdz]


1. 作为名词时:

a. 用于表示问候或致意的语气。

例句:Please give my regards to your family.(请代我向你的家人问好。)

b. 表示对某人的关心和尊敬。

例句:She has great regard for her teacher.(她非常尊敬她的老师。)

c. 意思接近于“注意”、“重视”。

例句:In this matter, we must have regard for the feelings of others.(在这件事情上,我们必须考虑到他人的感受。)

2. 作为动词时:

a. 表示对某人或某事物的感情、态度或看法。

例句:I regard him as my best friend.(我把他当做我的最好朋友。)

b. 表示尊重、重视。

例句:She regards her job as her priority.(她把工作视为最重要的事情。)


1. With warm regards, I send you this letter.(我怀着诚挚的问候,给你寄去这封信。)

2. She has great regard for her boss, who has been very supportive of her career.(她非常尊敬她的老板,后者一直支持她的事业发展。)

3. The company should have more regard for the safety of its employees.(公司应该更加重视员工的安全。)

4. I regard him as one of the most talented musicians in the world.(我把他看作是世界上最有才华的音乐家之一。)

5. In my opinion, this issue should be regarded as a priority for our team.(在我看来,这个问题应该被视为我们团队的头等大事。)


1. Respect:表示对某人或某物的尊重和敬意。

例句:I have great respect for my parents and their opinions.


2. Consider:表示考虑、认为。

例句:I consider him to be one of the most influential leaders in our industry.


3. Esteem:表示对某人或某物的高度评价和尊重。

例句:She is held in high esteem by her colleagues for her hard work and dedication.


4. Regard as:表示把某人或某物当做。

例句:Many people regard him as a genius in the field of science.





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