
英语听力2024-03-28 06:35:22小编



Remote control是指通过无线电波或红外线等技术,远距离电子设备的操作。它通常由一个遥控器和一个接收器组成,可以用来电视、音响、空调等家用电器,也可以用来汽车、无人机等其他设备。

Remote control refers to the operation of electronic devices through technologies such as radio waves or infrared rays from a distance. It usually consists of a remote controller and a receiver, which can be used to control household appliances such as TVs, stereos, and air conditioners, as well as other devices like cars and drones.


[riˈmoʊt kənˈtroʊl]


Remote control通常作为一个名词使用,表示“遥控器”或“遥控”,也可以作为动词使用,表示“远程”。

Remote control is typically used as a noun, meaning "a remote controller" or "remote control", but it can also be used as a verb, meaning "to control remotely".


1. I lost the remote control for the TV, so I had to get up every time I wanted to change the channel. (我把电视遥控器弄丢了,所以每次想换台都得起身。)

2. The drone can be operated using a remote control from up to 500 meters away. (无人机可以通过遥控器在500米外操作。)

3. The remote control for the air conditioner has a timer function, so you can set it to turn on or off at a specific time. (空调遥控器有定时功能,可以设置在特定时间开关机。)

4. The car comes with a remote control that allows you to open and close the doors without using a key. (这辆车配有一个遥控器,可以不用钥匙就能打开和关闭车门。)

5. My grandfather loves using his remote control to adjust the volume on the TV, even though he's sitting right in front of it. (我爷爷喜欢用遥控器调节电视的音量,即使他就坐在电视前面。)


1. Controller - This is another word for "remote control" and can be used interchangeably in most cases.

2. Clicker - This is a more colloquial term for "remote control" and is often used when referring to TV remotes.

3. Wireless Remote - This term emphasizes the use of wireless technology in the remote control.

4. Joystick - This refers to a type of remote control that has a stick-like handle for controlling movement, often used for gaming consoles.

5. Operate/Control Remotely - These are alternative ways of expressing the action of using a remote control.


Remote control是一种方便实用的技术,它使得我们可以远程各种电子设备,从而提高了生活的便利性。它的发展也了科技进步的一部分,随着无人机、智能家居等设备的普及,remote control也将继续发挥重要作用。因此,我们应该熟悉并正确使用remote control,让它成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。


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