
英语听力2024-03-28 08:30:57小编






resort: /rɪˈzɔːt/

resorting: /rɪˈzɔːtɪŋ/


1. 作为名词:

a. 指度假胜地或旅游胜地

例句:We are planning to go to a beach resort for our summer vacation. (我们计划去海滨度假村度过暑假。)

b. 指求助或诉诸某种手段

例句:The company had no other resort but to declare bankruptcy. (公司别无选择只能宣布破产。)

2. 作为动词:

a. 指寻求帮助或采取某种手段

例句:He resorted to begging on the streets after losing his job. (失业后,他只能在街头乞讨。)

b. 指常去某处度假或休息

例句:They often resort to the countryside to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. (他们经常去乡村避开城市的喧嚣。)


1. The resort offers a variety of activities for tourists, such as snorkeling, hiking, and spa treatments. (这个度假胜地为游客提供各种活动,如浮潜、远足和水疗。)

2. When faced with financial difficulties, he resorted to borrowing money from his friends. (面对财务困难,他只能向朋友借钱。)

3. The resort is known for its beautiful beaches and crystal-clear waters. (这个旅游胜地以其美丽的海滩和清澈的水域而闻名。)

4. After hours of hiking, we finally resorted to calling for a rescue helicopter. (长时间的徒步后,我们最终只能呼叫救援直升机。)

5. Many people choose to resort to meditation as a way to relieve stress and anxiety. (许多人选择冥想作为缓解压力和焦虑的方式。)


1. alternative: 作为名词时,指可供选择的事物;作为形容词时,指替代的、备选的

例句:He had no alternative but to accept the job offer with a lower salary.


2. recourse: 指求助或依靠的手段

例句:The company had no other recourse but to lay off some employees to cut costs.


3. refuge: 指避难所或庇护所

例句:The refugees found refuge in neighboring countries. (难民在邻国找到了庇护所。)

4. option: 指可供选择的事物或选择的权利

例句:He has the option to renew his contract for another year. (他有权利续签一年合同。)

5. expedient: 指为达到某种目的而采取的临时手段

例句:In order to win the election, the politician resorted to various expedients, including making false promises. (为了赢得,这位家诉诸各种手段,包括做出虚假承诺。)




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