
英语听力2024-03-28 09:45:13小编





Revenge refers to the action or behavior taken for the purpose of retaliation, especially against someone who has been previously harmed or treated unfairly. This word can be used as both a noun and a verb, when used as a noun it refers to the act or situation of seeking revenge; when used as a verb, it means to take retaliatory action.




1. 作为名词使用:

- The protagonist sought revenge against his enemies.


- She was consumed by thoughts of revenge.


2. 作为动词使用:

- He vowed to revenge himself on those who had wronged him.


- She planned to revenge her father's death.



1. She couldn't resist the temptation to seek revenge on her cheating ex-boyfriend.


2. The movie is about a man's quest for revenge after his family is brutally murdered.


3. He decided to take revenge on his boss by stealing important documents from the company.


4. The villagers were afraid of the witch's revenge and avoided her at all costs.


5. After years of planning, the group finally got their revenge on the corrupt government officials.



1. Retaliation:指对某种伤害或不公正行为做出回应或反击。

- The company promised retaliation against anyone who leaked confidential information.


2. Vengeance:指出于愤怒或仇恨而采取的报复行动。

- The superhero sought vengeance against the villain who had killed his family.


3. Retribution:指因为某种罪行或错误而受到的惩罚。

- The criminal finally faced retribution for his crimes.


4. Payback:指对某人所做之事的回报或报复。

- The bully got his payback when he was expelled from school.





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