
英语听力2024-03-28 16:18:22小编




Rivers refer to the natural flow of water in the environment, usually referring to larger bodies of water. They can be small streams flowing down from mountains or large rivers that flow into lakes or oceans. In geography, rivers are considered important natural phenomena as they not only provide essential water resources for human life, but also play significant economic and cultural roles.


rivers [ˈrɪvərz]



As a noun, rivers are often used to describe the natural flow of water in the environment. It can refer to a specific river or multiple rivers. Additionally, rivers can also be used as a verb to mean "to form a river" or "to create a river within something."


1. The Amazon River is one of the longest rivers in the world.(亚马逊河是世界上最长的河流之一。)

2. The melting snow from the mountains formed a river that flowed through the valley.(山上融化的雪水形成了一条流经山谷的河流。)

3. The Nile River has been a crucial source of life for ancient civilizations in Egypt.(尼罗河是古埃及文明的重要生命之源。)

4. The government is planning to build a dam on the river to generate electricity.(计划在这条河上建造水坝发电。)

5. After heavy rainfall, the river overflowed and caused flooding in nearby towns.(暴雨过后,这条河溢出,导致附近城镇发生洪灾。)


1. Stream:指小型的自然水道,通常用来形容比rivers更小的水流。

2. Creek:指小型、浅的溪流,通常用来形容比stream更小的水道。

3. Brook:指较小、浅的溪流,通常用来形容比creek更小的水道。

4. Channel:指人工开凿或自然形成的水道,也可以泛指任何类型的水道。

5. Watercourse:指任何类型的自然或人工构造物中流动的水。

1. Stream: refers to a small natural waterway and is often used to describe smaller bodies of water than rivers.

2. Creek: refers to a small and shallow stream and is usually used for smaller bodies of water than streams.

3. Brook: refers to a smaller and shallower stream and is usually used for smaller bodies of water than creeks.

4. Channel: refers to an artificial or naturally formed waterway, and can also be used as a general term for any type of waterway.

5. Watercourse: refers to any type of natural or man-made structure through which water flows.




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